Writing a Teaching Statement

CTRL Faculty Resources

If you have already written your teaching statement, view th is helpful guide to self- assessing the strength of your Teaching Statement.

A teaching statement is a brief document in which you articulate your beliefs about teaching and learning along with examples of how you enact those beliefs in the classroom. The statement is your chance to communicate with others why you care about teaching, what you hope for students to gain from taking your classes, and what taking a class with you might be like.

Your statement should help others visualize you in the classroom. Imagine it as a window into your classroom: by reading your teaching statement, the reader should be able to picture you teaching, including how you set up the course and interact with both students and content. To do this, clear examples of specific teaching practices you employ in your classroom should be integrated throughout the statement and to back up any claims you make about your own teaching or beliefs.

Creating a teaching statement allows you to reflect on your current teaching approach as well as the type of instructor you strive to be. The statement also serves as the foundation of your larger teaching portfolio. The first step in writing a strong teaching statement is reflecting on your own teaching. Even if you haven’t written it down, you already have a philosophy about teaching. Let’s uncover that!

Getting Started: Reflecting on Your Teaching

The key components of a teaching statement are beliefs and goals , strategies, impact, and future goals. The following questions are meant to get you thinking about what you might want to include in your teaching statement. You might answer some of these questions explicitly when writing your statement , or you might just use them to brainstorm .

Beliefs and Goals – What do you think?

What do you do?

Some frameworks for selecting teaching strategies that you might consider include Trauma-Informed Pedagogy , Universal Design for L earning , and Backwards De s ign .

Impact – What is the effect on learners and self?

Read more about approaches to teaching assessment on our Teaching Portfolio guide.

Future Goals – How will you improve?

Structuring Your Writing

After thinking through the components you wish to include in your statement, get started on the first of several drafts. Below are some tips for structuring your writing.

One approach to structuring your writing is a five-paragraph essay organized by belief or objective.

Your introduction should lay the foundation for the rest of your statement by discussing a passion for teaching and learning, presenting an overarching goal, or telling a story. Start each body paragraph by stating one of your beliefs or objectives and consider using bold or italics to make them easier to identify for the reader who is skimming the statement. Then, describe what that belief means to you and your students and define any educational terms. Support your beliefs or objectives with evidence of strategies and impact from your practice. In your conclusion, summarize the main ideas you hoped to convey in your statement and describe your future goals.

This structure from Medina and Draugalis (2013) also provides a helpful guide if you prefer to structure your statement in a way that goes through beliefs, strategies, impact, and future goals one by one.

  1. Prepare an introduction.
  2. Discuss teaching beliefs.
  3. Explain the importance of beliefs
  4. Provide evidence based on educational theory.
  5. Outline teaching methods.
  6. Describe methods of learning assessment.
  7. Create a feedback summary.
  8. Write a strong conclusion.
  9. Generate a reference list.

Revise Continuously

Your first teaching statement, like all good pieces of writing, should go through several revisions. B e sure to revisit as your teaching statement regularly, as practices change over time. We also encourage you to ask for feedback from peers, both in and out of your field. Feel free to schedule a consultation with a Teaching & Learning Specialist at the Center for Teaching, Research & Learning if you would like to discuss writing and revising your teaching statement.

References and Resources