Paris Peace Accords

A peace treaty negotiated chiefly between Le Duc Theu and Kissinger, signed by representatives of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam), the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam (PRG), and the USA. The accords were concluded after more than four years of negotiations, which were begun after the Tet offensive in 1968 but frequently interrupted, e.g. by US bombing offensives. They provided for the withdrawal of US troops and thus an end to direct US military involvement. In return, democratic elections were to be held in South Vietnam, in order to end the rivalry between the official government of Nguyen Van Thieu, and the Communist PRG. Nguyen Van Thieu rejected the treaty, however, and with US assistance continued to defy the Vietcong and North Vietnam's People's Army. Peace was enforced only in a final offensive of the People's Army, which led to the collapse of Nguyen's regime on 30 April 1975.

Related content in Oxford Reference

Reference entries
Paris Peace Agreement (1973)
in The Oxford Companion to American Military History Length: 606 words
Paris Peace Agreements
in The Oxford Essential Dictionary of the U.S. Military Length: 214 words
Paris Peace Accords (27 Jan. 1973)
in A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3) Length: 164 words

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