What You Need to Know About Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

As delegates arrive in Madrid for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) this week, one issue is top-of-mind: finalizing the rules on how countries can reduce their emissions using international carbon markets, covered under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Article 6 is one of the least accessible and complex concepts of the global accord. This complexity was a major reason that Article 6 was not agreed to until the last morning of the Paris negotiations in 2015 and was left unresolved at the Katowice climate talks last year. Getting these rules right is critical for fighting climate change: depending on how they are structured, Article 6 could help the world avoid dangerous levels of global warming or let countries off the hook from making meaningful emissions cuts. The integrity of the Paris Agreement and countries’ climate commitments hang in the balance.

Here’s what you should know:

How do international carbon markets work?

International carbon markets work like this: Countries that struggle to meet their emissions-reduction targets under their national climate plans (known as “nationally determined contributions,” or NDCs), or want to pursue less expensive emissions cuts, can purchase emissions reductions from other nations that have already cut their emissions more than the amount they had pledged, such as by transitioning to renewable energy. If the rules are structured appropriately, the result can be a win-win for everyone involved — both countries meet their climate commitments, the overachiever is financially rewarded for going above and beyond, finance is provided to the country generating the emissions reductions, and the world gets a step closer to avoiding catastrophic climate change.

What does the Paris Agreement say about carbon markets?

Article 6 has three operative paragraphs, two of which relate to carbon markets:

While Article 6 established these concepts in broad strokes and countries achieved some progress on defining the rules over the years, their final shape remains yet to be agreed. Finalizing these rules is a key agenda item for COP25.

What benefits could carbon markets offer if rules are designed well?

Carbon markets are a big deal, both in terms of potential emissions reductions and the cost savings they can generate. Half of countries’ initial NDCs (constituting 31% of global emissions) include the use of international cooperation through carbon markets. According to IETA, the potential benefits to cooperation under Article 6 include cost savings of $250 billion per year in 2030.

International cooperation through carbon markets can bring additional public and private finance and catalyze emissions reductions in a country hosting the mitigation activity. And for purchasing or acquiring countries, using carbon markets enables access to a wider pool of opportunities to reduce emissions. This might lead to higher ambition, given that mitigation can be made more cost-effective, which provides flexibility.

What are the biggest risks if rules on international carbon markets are designed poorly?

Without the right rules in place, Article 6 could actually weaken countries’ NDCs and increase global emissions. There are a few ways in which this could happen:

Which are the most contentious issues that will likely be negotiated by ministers at COP25?

There are likely four of them:

Getting the Rules Right

Studies show that if designed well, Article 6 has the potential to contribute to the Paris Agreement’s goals at a lower cost. It can also provide great incentive for private sector investment in various countries and could help some countries leapfrog their technological development. But all of this can only occur if the market is credible, reliable and has integrity. Depending on how these issues are resolved in the negotiations, Article 6 could either deliver this ambition or fail dismally. If it fails, the intent and purpose of national commitments under the Paris Agreement will be seriously undermined.

The negotiations in Madrid can build on the substantial progress made at COP24 in Katowice, as well as the intensive diplomatic and technical effort over the last year to get us to a better place. However, most importantly, countries must resist the urge to just tick the box on getting the Article 6 rules done — they need to get them done right. Article 6 must aid — rather than undermine — the ambition and environmental integrity of the Paris Agreement and countries’ commitments under it.