Construction Remodel Contract Template

If you plan to remodel or renovate your property, using PandaDoc’s template is essential. This comprehensive construction remodel contract template outlines the scope and responsibil-ities of both parties. Use our customizable template to build a better working relationship with your client.

1. The Parties

This Construction Remodel Contract (“Contract”) is made and entered into on (Date), by and between:


Name: [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] ​

Address: [Client.StreetAddress] [Client.City] [Client.State] [Client.PostalCode] ​


Name: [Contractor.FirstName] [Contractor.LastName] ​

Address: [Contractor.StreetAddress] [Contractor.City] [Contractor.State] [Contractor.PostalCode] ​

The Client agrees to compensate the Contractor for services rendered according to the specified terms and conditions.

2. Scope of Work

The Contractor agrees to provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to remodel the property at (Property Address). The Contractor agrees to perform the following services:

(List all the services)

3. Change Order

This change order clause in your construction remodel contract template addresses modifications or alterations to the original scope of work. Remodeling projects often encounter unforeseen circumstances. This clause allows flexibility to enable the parties to adapt to changes without creating a new contract.

The Client may request reasonable changes to the Services as described in Section 2. Any changes must be submitted in writing and require the signatures of both Parties.

The Client agrees that any approved changes may result in additional charges. Furthermore, such changes may extend the Project Duration outlined in Section 4.

4. Timeframe

Project Duration

The Contractor will complete the services according to the following schedule. The Client agrees that all dates are subject to change upon service changes. Additionally, the completion date may be affected by weather conditions.

(Insert Start Date)

Substantial Completion Date:

(Insert Substantial CompletionDate)

Full Completion Date:

(Insert Completion Date)


The Contractor shall notify the Client of any delays caused by circumstances beyond their control. It includes the availability of necessary supplies, materials, labor issues, or acts of God. In such instances, the completion date shall be extended accordingly. Both Parties will agree upon the new schedule. Simultaneously, the time for the Client to remit payment to the Contractor for the services will be extended in a manner consistent with the adjusted completion schedule.

5. Payment

The remodeling project's total contract price is $(Insert Amount). The Client agrees to pay this amount to the Contractor on the following terms:

(Insert Percentage)% upon signing this Contract (Insert Percentage)% upon substantial completion of the project (Insert Percentage)% upon final inspection and approval by the Client

6. Business Licenses and Permits

The Contractor guarantees and represents that they are all licensed to do remodeling in the state of (State) and have a license number of (License Number) for this purpose. All employees associated with the Contractor shall comply with state and local laws. They are responsible for obtaining any required licenses and permits necessary for this project.

7. Warranties

The Contractor guarantees that all work they will perform will be of good quality. The Contractor also ensures that all materials used are free from any defect. Additionally, the Contractor will give the Client all applicable manufacturers' warranties for materials used in the project.

Suppose any aspect of the work is defective within one year of completion. The Contractor must promptly correct the job that failed to meet the expectation outlined in this Contract. It is unless the Client has previously accepted the defect in writing.

8. Liability Insurance

Under this Contract, the Contractor assumes full responsibility for their actions and their employees or personnel. The Contractor agrees to maintain appropriate insurance coverage, including general liability and workers' compensation insurance. The Contractor will ensure the continuous coverage of this insurance throughout the project.

9. Assignment and Delegation

The Contractor may assign rights and delegate duties to subcontractors. The Contractor agrees to take responsibility for all work done by the Subcontractor. They will also protect the Client from any liability related to this.

The Contractor is responsible for any confidential information shared with the Subcontractor. The Contractor shall be held liable if the Subcontractor discloses such information to third parties.

10. Termination

The client can end this contract by giving written notice in the following situations:

The Contractor material breach of this Contract and fails to correct the violation within (Number of days) days of receiving notice of the breach.

The Contractor repeatedly fails to provide services at an acceptable standard.

Termination takes effect at the end of the notice period or as specified in the written notice. The Client is also required to compensate the Contractor for completed work.

The Contractor can end this Contract by giving written notice in the following situations:

The Client fails to make the payment required in this Contract.

The Client commits any other material breach and fails to correct it within (Number of days) days of receiving notice of the violation.

11. Right to Stop Work

You can specify in this clause under which conditions a contractor could be entitled to stop work. Including this in your contract can provide protection and clarity for both parties involved.

The Contractor reserves the right to stop work on the project under the following circumstances:

The Client fails to make timely payments as specified in the payment schedule. Unforeseen site conditions materially affect the cost or time required for performance.

Acts of God, natural disasters, or other events beyond the Contractor's reasonable control make it impractical or impossible to continue work.

Before stopping work, the Contractor shall provide written notice to the Client specifying the reasons for considering a work stoppage. The Client shall have a cure period of (Number of days) days from the date of receiving the notice to remedy the identified issues.

Suppose the Client fails to cure the identified issues within the specified cure period. The Contractor reserves the right to terminate the contract following the termination provisions outlined in this agreement.

12. Right to Stop Payment

This section is a provision that allows a client to halt payments temporarily. It ensures that the contractor delivers work of the agreed-upon quality and standards. It enables clients to control payments to motivate the contractor to fulfill their contract.

Suppose the Client wishes to halt or suspend the remodeling project. A written notice must be issued to the Contractor at least (Number of days) days before the intended stoppage date.

Upon receipt of the written notice, the Contractor agrees to cease all work on the project within (Number of days) of receiving the message. The Contractor will make efforts to secure the work completed.

The Client agrees to pay the Contractor for all work completed, including materials, labor, and overhead incurred by the Contractor. The Client will also be responsible for removal or storage costs incurred with the cessation of work.

13. Dispute Resolution

Suppose any disagreement arises from or is related to this contract. The parties agree to try to resolve it through negotiation in good faith. To initiate the negotiation process, either party can send a written notice to the other, specifying the dispute's nature and proposing a meeting to discuss potential resolutions.

If the parties cannot negotiate the dispute within (Number of days) days, they agree to submit it to mediation. A mutually agreed-upon mediator will facilitate the mediation. A recognized mediation service will appoint a mediator if there is no agreement. The mediation costs will be shared equally by both parties.

Suppose mediation doesn't resolve within (Number of days) days. In that case, either party may initiate arbitration by providing written notice to the other party. The arbitration will follow the (Insert applicable arbitration service) rules.

14. Governing Law

This Contract shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the state of (State).